Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Grandest Lady

She was a Grand Lady indeed. We lost our mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and teacher yesterday afternoon. Words can't even express how wonderful and joyous Erma Stade was. She could light up a room with that smile and make anyone and everyone feel welcome. Even if you weren't apart of the family when you left her you might for a fleeting moment believe you were. She had the grace of a queen and a gentleness that could calm a storm. A life that started in 1914 made her wise and gracious. Her love was shown through so many acts especially her cooking. You could see God in Erma. I know she is with him now asking him what kind of pie he likes.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Did You Miss Me

So sorry everyone. It took me a little while to figure out exactly what was wrong with my blog. However we are full up and ready to go. Here are some sneak peaks from last week sorry I was a little late with these girls. Please forgive me. So here are your sneak peaks.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Over Due

She was not over due, I was. After going on vacation and then not having internet access for almost two weeks, put me behind a little. Anyway these are some of the more formal pictures of my new niece. Then I will have some more pictures of her and her older brothers later.

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