Sunday, August 22, 2010


Isn't she just a beauty. I had such a great time with Miss E at her senior session last night. She even brought a couple of friends to help her. Can anyone say Natalie Portman. Kinda looks like her, huh. She was a great sport and let me take her into the new studio that has no AC yet. I think it payed off though I thought they turned out great. Enjoy E.

Friday, August 20, 2010

I'm Still Here

Well I have already had a few phone calls this week asking if I'm OK because I haven't posted in awhile. I am still here and surviving, I think. I have been covered head to toe in paint for the last week and editing pictures at lightening speed. So if you are waiting for proofs they will all be done this weekend. Thank you everyone for being so patient. I am quickly posting a few that I just love and will have more to post this weekend. Enjoy!

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