Sunday, November 28, 2010


I realize I have not posted in forever. This has just been one of those really crazy fall seasons. With trying to finish the new studio(almost done) and all the great seniors and families I have had it has been super busy. However, I am starting to catch up so I am posting one today at the end of this holiday weekend. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed their families. So in honor of families and because I always had a great time with my cousins on Thanksgiving I am posting these cousins. I will have more catch up posting through out the week.

Monday, November 1, 2010

More Seniors

We are packed full of seniors this fall. I had a great time with H and here mother even if the weather decided to make a drastic change at the end of our session. We got them done and she looked fabulous all the way through.

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