Sunday, January 23, 2011


I am just at home editing away and just finished this when my husband came in and told me I have to come and help him carry heavy furniture. "Awesome"!!! First of all you should never move heavy objects with your husband or anyone that would are going to sleep with in the same bed that night. Why? It never ends good, at least not in our (case). No pun intended there. Someone always ends up physically hurt(me, still healing from almost breaking my foot) or emotionally damaged (me again, I take things to easily to heart). So before I go and move this giant cabinet I wanted to post this gorgeous picture of Ms. S. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Well this is definitely going to be a New Year for Stacy Case Photography. The Studio is almost finished, my hubby and cousin are out there working on it right now. Some trim, shelves and backdrops hung and we are good to go. So because it has been forever since I have posted I am going to start this year off right, with a post. Just a few 2011 seniors that I have had the pleasure to photograph.

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