Monday, February 28, 2011

Still Don't Do Weddings

Beautiful San Diego sky line. That was a real moon!

Father of the bride. I just love the look she is giving him.

Father and brother of the bride. This just makes me giggle.

Please do not be confused. I am still not a wedding photographer and I will not do them so please don't call because you see these photos and think I do but bring me all those sweet babies, please and thank you! This is an old family friend and I was just a guest who brought her camera to grab a few shots. It was in San Diego, it was wonderful, and I had such a great time. I have not seen the bride and her family in over ten years so it was an extra special treat to be there. I have lots to catch up on but just wanted to share a few. Enjoy and thank you Hillary and Mark for allowing us to be at your special day.

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