Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring Snow

We are having one of those spring snows we all love so much. I talked her into putting her little black fake fur coat on and going outside to grab a shot of her in the snow. She did put up a protest and I promised I would let her get a hair cut at a salon. I am still not sure if that is a fair trade or not but I guess we will be coming to see you very soon Amy. I have been wanting a shot of her with big snow flakes so I guess I am happy. She grows so fast and it makes my heart sad and happy all at the same time.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sweet Smiles

I just love Six month olds. They are my favorite to photograph. They don't run away from you and they are usually very generous with those sweet smiles. I have photographed this mommy and daddy for a couple of years now and I get the opportunity to photograph their sweet baby boy as well.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Busy Lady

I had so much fun with this little gal. Let me tell you she was a busy little lady. All she wanted to do was walk and walk and not in the direction of my camera. However when she did look at me she had the best little smile. Enjoy your sneak peak momma.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Close Up

Just a few of the close ups from this weekend. Things are starting to pick back up for the spring sessions so if you are interested in booking please don't wait to long to book yours. More babies coming up this weekend and some maternity. So look for new sneak peaks.

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