Tuesday, June 28, 2011

For Me

I can only drag my family out for family pictures about every two years or so. Well it was two years ago that I got family pictures so I started begging for more. My dad pretty well knows his way around a camera so on very sort notice like in one day we got these done. My little baby is for sure not a baby anymore. BWAHHHH!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I entered the Imagination photo contest with Canon and Ron Howard. Well I had no idea that it would at all be chosen. I was chosen for the first round of semi-finals. Those photos were chosen by Canon experts for all the entries. So now it is your turn. Please go to the the imagination You Tube website here http://www.youtube.com/Imagination and VOTE. My photo is in the unknown category. If I was to make it to the finals then RON HOWARD will choose the photos and make a short film from each category from the picture he selected from there. Then I would get to go to New York and meet him and watch the film my photo inspired. So go VOTE, please and thank you.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

It's a zoo

Well it really wasn't a zoo. It was C Arrow Stables on North Maize Rd. We went there to see about some riding lessons for our R. I did not expect so many glorious animals and that I would be able to pet them. Of course I brought my camera and was in HEAVEN. This little piggy wanted to eat and eat in his bucket.
This guy was on top of a roof and I wanted to get a picture of his beautiful tale but he was not interested in sharing it with me.
A goat or two.
I guess they didn't mind the dirty water. I really hope it was water.
Oh my, the chickens. I am getting closer and closer to breaking down and getting a chicken. I love this one, so pretty.
Then there was him. He is absolutely gorgeous. I wanted to steal him but I didn't think he would fit in my purse and be quiet about it.

This one I just thought I would add. It was from the storm the other night. It seemed to just have started right over our house and then head on into Wichita. I stood at the end of our drive just waiting for a beautiful full rainbow. Well it never happened but I did get this little rainbow that just peaked out through the clouds. Enjoy your weekend everyone.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Starting Summer

I thought I would just share a few things that we have been doing since it is feeling more like summer. We are so fortunate to live a few miles south of the best hidden place to eat on earth, Fannies Kitchen. She is an Amish women that opened a very intimate family style dinner restaurant. I am not sure that you can really call it a restaurant because you and your family or guests are the only ones there and the staff is all her family. You really feel that you are just going to Fannie's for dinner. It is truly the best food ever and you will walk away being the fullest you have ever felt. They pass the food around family style and then pass it around again for seconds. Then just when you think you can't eat anymore the homemade pies come out. These two little guys are Fannies grandson's and they are so sweet. They were playing in grandpa's corn and let me take a few pictures of them last night when we were done eating.
He was so curious about me and my camera.
Fannie had lots of animals on her farm. I just love her chickens they wanted to look at us as much as we wanted to look at them. I think I want some chickens now!

I was watering my plants the other day and noticed that one of my plants looked very strange. It had all these strange lumps on it. On closer inspection I noticed it was tiny and I mean tiny little grasshoppers. I ran and got my camera and my macro lens and got a few shots of them before they all jumped off because I was sticking my face way to close to them.

Just a shot around sun set of our property that backs up to the wheat field. I love this time of year. The contrast of bright colors next to the golden wheat.
Then this year I went a little crazy and with the help of my dad and his wife we started a nice big garden. It is doing well so far. We have only harvested a few radishes but things are coming along nicely. I am so ready for home grown tomatoes on my BLT.

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